How to Set Up a New Account with Netflix.How to Connect to the Internet on Your Wii U.How to Move Your Nintendo ID from one Wii U to Another.When it is finished, take out your SD Card. Wait for the data to transfer while watching the Pikmin animation (Unfortunately, they don't have a time limit like in the games).Launch the Wii U System Transfer application, and follow the instructions.After that's done, remove the SD Card from your Wii U.Launch the Wii U System Transfer tool, and follow the instructions.It is actually not installed- the icon on the Wii Mode Menu is merely a redirect to the Wii Shop Channel. From the "Wii Channels" category, download the Wii U System Transfer tool. An Internet Connection is necessary throughout the whole process, and the latest system updates for both systems.A greater size will be needed if you choose to move WiiWare games and applications directly to your Wii U. An SD or SDHC (SDXC compatibility not confirmed by Nintendo) card with at least 512MB of storage.Wii systems and Wii U systems of different regions are NOT compatible.All Miis can be transferred from you Wii Application to your Wii U once the file transfer has been completed. Mii characters will not be saved to the Wii U Mii Studio, they will be saved to the Wii Mode's Mii Channel.WiiConnect24 is not supported by the Wii U.Wii Shop Channel points for both systems are combined, but cannot exceed 10000 points ($100.).WiiWare can be re-downloaded via the Wii U's Wii Shop Channel after the end of the transfer should you choose not to copy them back to the Wii system or would like to delete the application before transfer.

GameCube save data will not be copied as the Wii U does not support GameCube games.You could always redownload WiiWare from the Wii Shop Channel. Game save data saved on SD Cards need to be moved to the Wii itself before the transfer.If you have any save files or WiiWare, you will have to play them from your Wii U. This will permanently move everything from your Wii.